Gonstead Scientific Research
As a published researcher himself, Dr. Bobby Fano values the science and research that validates the Gonstead approach. The Gonstead Method of Chiropractic is one of the most researched techniques to date and is taught at almost all chiropractic colleges on the planet. It is referred as the “Gold Standard” of chiropractic because it is the most specific scientific approach to correcting subluxation. The Gonstead Technique been trusted since 1923, and is practiced by approximately 400 chiropractors worldwide out of 70,000 licensed chiropractors. The complexity, skills, and attention to detail attracts only those pursuing excellence. The Gonstead Clinical Studies Society is a non-profit organization perpetuating the teachings of Dr. Clarence S. Gonstead, funding chiropractic research, and encouraging cooperation and camaraderie amongst all who practice the Gonstead technique. The GCSS endorses GMI, the Gonstead Seminar, Inc. as well as groups and individuals who have studied under the tutelage of Dr. Gonstead. GCSS has become an umbrella organization for an increasing number of international and U.S. Regional chapters. The GCSS supports Gonstead Study Clubs, helping students in the various chiropractic colleges around the world master the basics of specific chiropractic care.
There are many published case studies, reach articles, and textbooks in permanent scientific literature funded by the GCSS. Click on the button below to access the extensive library of Gonstead article abstracts available online.
OverviewResearch TitlesForces & LoadingRange of MotionPalpationInstrumentationRadiographyXray AnalysisReliabilityCohort StudiesCase Studies
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