Dr. Bobby’s Library
Whether you are an individual embarking on a journey towards greater health and vitality, a chiropractic student building a foundation on which to build their career of service, or an existing chiropractor looking to create more certainty and value, Dr. Bobby’s foundational strategies and tools have helped many people across the nation take their life to the next level. His vision is to help even more people embody the extraordinary by leveraging a healthy nervous system for life – so we’ve made this library of Dr. Bobby’s core concepts available to you.
Chiropractic care tailored for entrepreneurs is designed to reduce mental fatigue, increase focus, increase productivity & increase performance and recover so that you can dominate in business and in life. Research shows that chiropractic care can have a profound impact on the frontal cortex of the brain. The area of the brain responsible for grit, willpower, curiosity, determination, focus, long-term goal setting, emotional intelligence, faith, hope, and optimism.
Natural disasters like Hurricanes leave powerful, low-quality emotions in their wake. Stress, anger, fear, and depression - coupled with high temperatures and down utilities for households- can trigger psychological symptoms. Storm and weather-induced post-traumatic symptoms can be real and are something to be prepared for.
If you've ever experienced low back pain, you're not alone. An estimated 85% of people experience low back pain severe enough to see a doctor at some point in their life. Yet, despite how common it is, the precise cause of pain can be unclear. Take a look at some of the conditions that cause low back pain.
A recent study sponsored by Facebook shows that 79% of the population between the ages of 18 and 44 have their cell phones with them almost all the time—with only 2 hours of their waking day spent without their phone on hand.
Hypertension occurs when the force of blood flowing through the blood vessels is abnormally strong. Chronic hypertension can lead to serious health complications including: heart attacks and heart failure, blood vessel damage, strokes and kidney disease. In the United States, 1 in 3 adults have high blood pressure, or about 70 million people. This health problem costs the US $46 billion each year in health care services, medications and missed work.
The process of digesting your food is a complicated symphony of different factors. It’s a balance of stomach enzyme secretion and muscle movement. Your nervous system controls this digestion process. The nerves going to the digestive organs are responsible for telling the organs to create digestive fluids.
Ear infections, or Otitis Media (i.e. inflammation of the inner ear), can be extremely painful and are common but not normal in young children. Most parents recognize it as a fussy child with a fever, and they may show other signs like tugging at their ear or increased redness over the affected area.
Fibromyalgia is a complicated condition, and is characterized by chronic, severe, widespread pain in a variety of “tender points” throughout the body. This pain can be accompanied by other symptoms as well – fatigue, loss of sleep, increased pain sensitivity and numbness or tingling.
Allergies are the symptoms we experience when our bodies have an increased immune response to an irritant. This incorrect response by your immune system to an allergen results in sneezing, coughing, congestion, hives, rashes, and in severe cases, seizure and anaphylactic shock.
Intervertebral discs are positioned between the vertebrae in the spine. The outside of a disc is made from cartilage, and in the center is a jelly-like soft tissue with high water content. The primary function of the disc is to provide a flexible, movable, nerve-spacing structure that makes up a large part of the spacing requirement for the nerves to pass thru freely.
Headaches are a widespread health concern and have many causes and presentations. Over 300 different types of headaches are known, with common types including: migraines, tension-type, trigeminal and injury-related. Tension-type headaches are the most prevalent and affect approximately 42% of the adult population worldwide.
Fertility is a delicate balance of hormone levels and cooperation between organ systems. Fertility concerns can be incredibly frustrating and emotionally draining for couples who are trying to conceive. All the stages involved in the fertilization process are under the control of the nervous system.
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental condition, similar to Attention Deficit Disorder, Autism and learning disabilities. As proper brain activity is directly related to correct alignment and the function of the spine, when the spine is out of alignment, it can create interference in the signals going to the brain and contribute to mental conditions.
After caring for thousands of patients and seeing the growing demand for Gonstead chiropractic with limited access in other cities, Dr. Bobby Fano, DC has decided to bring Gonstead chiropractic to your city.
Asthma is a condition in which a person’s airways are inflamed and restricted. The lining of the airways becomes chronically swollen and the muscles tighten, making it difficult to breathe. The muscles of the airways are under the involuntary control of your nervous system.
Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of a person’s spine. The spine of a person with scoliosis looks more like an “S” or a “C” rather than a straight line from top to bottom. Since a straight spine is a strong spine, a scoliosis weakens the body and often causes pain. When allowed to advance, it may interfere with the lungs, heart and many other vital organs. There are many different locations, shapes and degrees of scoliosis. While scoliosis can be present at any age, most cases are first noticed in childhood or adolescence.
There is better than a 70% chance your back surgery will fail. Failure means equal or more pain, or more surgeries or drugs needed. Attempting to artificially stabilize a joint by fusion or by discectomy can destabilize the joint further by causing other vertebrae to make up the lost range of motion, or by decreasing the overall matter of the disc necessary for joint stabilization.
Millions of Americans have jobs that can have damaging effects on the hands and arms. Repetitive movements performed in a poor position can cause micro-trauma to the hands and wrists.
Sciatica or a pinched nerve is a condition that results when the sciatic nerve becomes irritated and pinched from a swollen or degenerated disc of the spine. Sciatica is also known as nerve compression or radiculopathy. This happens when surrounding tissues and structures put pressure on a nerve root.
All movements start with our core, which is our spine. A properly moving spine is an aligned spine. Subluxations (misalignments of the spinal vertebrae causing poor movement patterns) are one of the most common causes of neck and low back pain.
The Gonstead practitioner’s focus of chiropractic care for the pregnant mother is unique and very specific when compared to the care given to the non-pregnant patient. Since the body changes quickly during pregnancy, preexisting and unnoticed imbalances in your pelvis and spine may become stressed. Pelvic alignment and nervous system balance are very important in creating a comfortable pregnancy and a safe delivery.
The legacy we leave depends on the health of our children. Our spines and nervous systems are the number one neglected system in healthcare. Today, more and more parents are seeking chiropractic care for their children for pediatric development. Any informed healthcare provider knows that many spinal problems seen in adults began as early as birth.
Athletes have special needs and we understand the specific nature and requirements necessary to help you achieve peak performance. When your body is in better alignment, your nervous system is finely tuned and all systems are energized.
Gonstead Chiropractic care is an intelligent way to keep the the joints of the spine in proper motion and alignment, in order to improve the health of the body. This same art can also be applied to the joints of the extremities, helping to keep your arms, legs, hands and feet healthy, and help recovery from injuries.
Did you know that most people still live in pain after spinal surgery and many operations result in a second spinal surgery? A study in the journal Spine explains that many times spinal surgery leaves patients in more pain.
Our patients travel from different states to experience the world renowned Gonstead Technique. Why would our patients pass many chiropractors to seek our care? To experience the difference. Dr. Bobby always gives his best recommendations for care, and if we choose to except your case we will confidently start treatment promptly. If we are unable to except your case we will refer you to the appropriate healthcare providers.
In the early 1960’s word began to spread about a healer in a small farming town in Wisconsin. People of all ages and walks of life came to see him from around the world. That man was Clarence S. Gonstead. He became a chiropractor in 1923 following his personal experience with a chiropractic miracle. Through chiropractic care he was healed from a painful, crippling episode of rheumatoid arthritis.
As a published researcher himself, Dr. Bobby Fano values the science and research that validates the Gonstead approach. The Gonstead Method of Chiropractic is one of the most researched techniques to date and is taught at almost all chiropractic colleges on the planet. It is referred as the “Gold Standard” of chiropractic because it is the most specific scientific approach to correcting subluxation.
The ultimate goal is to return the spine to its normal structural alignment, which in turn will also result in intervertebral disc healing, reduced muscular tension, improved balance of nerve flow, inhibition of early degenerative joint disease and a noticeable improvement in optimal nervous system function and overall performance. Correct posture is important to a properly functioning spine.
New science is confirming that healthy movement patterns in our joints, specifically our spine, supercharges our brain activity, increases learning and development in children, and reduces stress hormones circulating through our bodies. John Ratey, MD, professor at Harvard Medical School and author of “Spark – The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain has shown the research that proves proper joint movement during exercise “turns on” our brains and conditions it for learning.